Title: Dark Robe Edges
Author: Jason Edding
Publisher: MLR Press
Publisher URL: www.mlrbooks.com
ISBN: 978-1-60820-7381
Genre: {M/M} Sci-fi Series
Rating: 5 Nymphs
Literary Nymphs Reviewer: Chocolate Minx
Jack Harrow and Edge Fland have survived the Dark Robes attack thus far. However, Jack has a feeling that time is running out. Jack, Edge and the human rebels have the same mission; to destroy the fanatical Hierarch as well as the Dark Robe island complex on Earth. Nevertheless, trust between clones and humans are a major issue.
Dark Robe Edges is the second book in the Dark Robe Society series. In this episode, the rebels are moving closer to breaking the mad man’s control over the universe. It has taken Jack two months to recover from his injuries sustained when the Ganymede rebel base was attacked. Because of Jack’s unique abilities that have evolved far beyond his original cloning, he is the main target of the Black Robes.
Lieutenant Toren Mir is a new officer in the rebellion against the Dark Robe. Toren was Admiral Brekart Dobson’s lover until Brekart’s erratic behavior exposed Brekart to be a flawed replacement clone working for the Black Robes.
Commander Alton Tees , who secretly desired Toren, refused to act on those desires before Brekart’s true identity was revealed. Alton takes command of the rebellion and appoints Toren as his assistant. Finally confessing his feelings to Toren, Alton realizes that the desire is mutual. Alton does not like Jack and Edge; however he is willing to work with them for the sake of Toren’s continued approval.
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