Title: Angel Baby
Author: Cherie Noel
Publisher: MLR Press
Publisher URL: www.mlrbooks.com
ISBN: MLR-1-02013-0051
Genre: {M/M} Paranormal Series
Rating: 5 Nymphs
Literary Nymphs Reviewer: Chocolate Minx
Vampires Gem and Don are investigators for the paranormal government agency InterspeciesDisciplinary Investigation Optimizing Taskforce, or I.D.I.O.T for short. Their assignment is to uncover who or what is butchering human males in New Orleans . When evil rears its ugly head and Don goes missing, Gem discovers the gifted human Angel is the only one who can save them from a continual Hell.
Angel Baby is the first book in the French Quarter Quartet Series.The plot is an action-packed romantic mystery featuring species discrimination. The characters are amusing, as well as engaging. Best friends since childhood, Don is the brawn and Gem is the brains in the team. Don has a quick temper plus he is less socially approachable than Gem. Don is also much larger than Gem, so Don is better suited to successfully hunting down perpetrators. Undercover as a bartender, Gem is immediately attracted to the small feisty man known as Angel. In fact, Gem was so captivated by the man, he almost revealed his fangs when others showed interest in Angel. Being an extrasensory human, Angel immediately knew evil was attempting to capture Gem. Angel has the ability to commune with the spiritual realm. Angel was able to rescue the vampires, as well as bond with Gem. The information garnered by Don revealed this case is far from over; someone in the agency has gone rogue.